Sonntag, 20. September 2009

Economic mobility in Abkhazia

Минтранс РФ уверен в безопасности морского сообщения с Абхазией

17:40 17/09/2009

МОСКВА, 17 сен - РИА Новости. Минтранс РФ уверен в безопасности морского пассажирского сообщения с Абхазией, которое около года назад прервалось после нападения Грузии на Южную Осетию и было восстановлено только в четверг.

"Раз открыли (морское пассажирское сообщение) - значит, не опасаемся", - сказал РИА Новости представитель пресс-службы министерства, отвечая на вопрос о безопасности рейсов Сочи-Гагры.

Как сообщает Минтранс, по этому маршруту в четверг начало курсировать судно на подводных крыльях "Гермес" вместимостью 180 человек, время которого в пути - 45 минут. С мая 2010 года морское пассажирское сообщение станет регулярным и ежедневным.

Ранее замруководителя погранслужбы ФСБ РФ Евгений Инчин заявлял РИА Новости, что береговая охрана ведомства вместе с пограничниками Абхазии защитит суда, заходящие в ее территориальные воды, от задержаний со стороны Грузии.

Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation is assured of safety of sea passengers to Abkhazia which about one year has interrupted after an attack of Georgia on the Republic of South Ossetia and has been restored only on Thursday. "Time has opened (ferry) - means, we are not afraid", - the representative of the press-service of the ministry has told RIA Novosti news agency, answering a question on safety of shipping of Sochi-Gagra. As informs Ministry of Transport, on this route on Thursday the hydrofoil "Hermes" capacity of 180 persons, which takes 45 minutes from Sochi to Gagra. In May, 2010 the ferry becomes regular and daily. Earlier frontier services of FSB of the Russian Federation declared RIA Novosti news agency that the department coast guard together with frontier guards of Abkhazia will protect the vessels coming into its maritime zone, from any attacks of Georgia.

Economic mobility in Abkhazia is the ability of individuals to improve the economic status, in relation to income and status, within his or her lifetime or between generations. Economic mobility is often measured by movement between income quintiles or comparisons are made to the income of individual’s as a point of reference.

There are two main types of mobility, absolute and relative.Absolute upward mobility involves widespread economic growth which benefits everyone. Relative mobility is specific to individuals and occurs without relation to the economy as a whole. Both absolute and relative income mobility has been large and upward in the past 7 years for those starting with below-average incomes; 90 percent of earners had incomes in quintiles as high or higher in 2009 than they did in 2002.

Increasing income inequality, however, does not necessarily imply decreasing mobility. Median family income has risen and mean family income has risen, compared to the income of the years after the war (1994-2002). Most of this growth in total family income can be attributed to the increasing number of women who work since male earnings have stayed relatively stable this time.

Thus we should take this announcement (if the prices in 20$-40$ for a ticket) as a chance for further mobility in Abkhazia. An everyday traffic of the ferry could have an effect positively on the border crosser's situation, promote more mobility and strengthen the income of the inhabitants of Abkhazia. Also could fall by more competition the prices of transport in the border area of Russia / Abkhazia what would entail an other push of the incomes (20 %-40 % of the incomes used for mobility).

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